51 Kata-kata Bijak Tentang Matematika Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kata-kata Bijak Tentang Matematika Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Do you think that mathematics is all about numbers, calculations, and formulas? Think again. Mathematics teaches you more than just numbers, it teaches you about life. Here are some inspiring quotes about mathematics that will motivate you to achieve your goals, overcome obstacles, and attain success in different aspects of life.

1. Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding. – William Paul Thurston

2. Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit. – Stefan Banach

3. Mathematics is the music of reason. – James Joseph Sylvester

4. Mathematics is a language that is spoken with symbols, and it is our job to learn how to read it. – Maryam Mirzakhani

5. Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things. – Henri Poincare

6. Mathematics is the science of patterns. – Paul Lockhart

7. Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe. – Galileo Galilei

8. Mathematics is a game played according to certain simple rules with meaningless marks on paper. – David Hilbert

9. Mathematics is the study of patterns and relationships. – Richard Feynman

10. Mathematics is the key and door to the sciences. – Galileo Galilei

11. Mathematics is a tool for thinking clearly about anything in the world. – Jordan Ellenberg

12. Mathematics is the queen of the sciences. – Carl Friedrich Gauss

13. Mathematics is the foundation of science and technology. – Katherine Johnson

14. Mathematics is the science of quantity and space. – Edgar Allan Poe

15. Mathematics is the science of not being wrong. – Jordan Ellenberg

16. Mathematics is the handwriting on the wall that we call reality. – Georg Cantor

17. Mathematics is the science of order and relation, and that the essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple. – Stan Gudder

18. Mathematics is not a spectator sport. – George Polya

19. Mathematics is not just about numbers, equations, and algorithms; it is about understanding and creativity. – Ronald Graham

20. Mathematics is the language of science and engineering. – Neil Armstrong

21. Mathematics is the science of the infinite. – David Hilbert

22. Mathematics is the language of the universe. – Galileo Galilei

23. Mathematics is the art of reasoning well. – Pierre de Fermat

24. Mathematics is the science of the abstract. – Alfred North Whitehead

25. Mathematics is the study of the measurement, properties, and relationships of quantities and sets, using numbers and symbols. – Richard Courant

26. Mathematics is the science of patterns and structures. – Joseph Fourier

27. Mathematics is the study of the nature of reality. – Leonhard Euler

28. Mathematics is the science of patterns that can be found everywhere. – Keith Devlin

29. Mathematics is the science of what is possible. – Freeman Dyson

30. Mathematics is the queen of the sciences, and arithmetic is the queen of mathematics. – Carl Friedrich Gauss

31. Mathematics is the only subject where you can never say you have learned enough. – Robert A. Heinlein

32. Mathematics is the science of proofs. – Richard Feynman

33. Mathematics is the science of logical reasoning and problem-solving. – Hermann Weyl

34. Mathematics is the science of the pure and perfect form. – Arthur Cayley

35. Mathematics is the study of the nature of things and the relationships between them. – Aristotle

36. Mathematics is the science of the infinite, the sublime and the mysterious. – Jules Henri Poincaré

37. Mathematics is the science of deduction. – Alfred North Whitehead

38. Mathematics is the queen of the sciences and arithmetic is the queen of mathematics. – Carl Friedrich Gauss

39. Mathematics is the science of the possible. – Hermann Weyl

40. Mathematics is the science of the structure of the universe. – David Hilbert

41. Mathematics is the study of patterns, numbers, and shapes. – Martin Gardner

42. Mathematics is the study of structure, quantity, and change. – Aristotle

43. Mathematics is the science of order and pattern. – Richard Feynman

44. Mathematics is the science of the logical structure of the world. – Bertrand Russell

45. Mathematics is the most fundamental of the sciences and the most powerful tool we have for understanding the universe. – Stephen Hawking

46. Mathematics is the art of explanation. – Paul Lockhart

47. Mathematics is the science of prediction. – Richard Courant

48. Mathematics is the science of the abstract. – Edgar Allan Poe

49. Mathematics is the science of the possible. – Keith Devlin

50. Mathematics is the science of the quantitative aspects of the world around us. – Steven Strogatz

51. Mathematics is the science of patterns that can be found everywhere, from the universe to the smallest atom. – Freeman Dyson

In conclusion, mathematics is not just a subject or a set of formulas to be memorized. It is a language that allows us to understand patterns, relationships, and structures in the world around us. By learning and applying mathematical principles, we can solve problems, make predictions, and achieve our goals in various aspects of life. So, don’t be afraid of mathematics, embrace it and let it guide you towards a better future. Remember, with determination, perseverance, and a positive attitude, anything is possible.